5 And I will come near you for judgment;I will be a swift witness
Against sorcerers,Against adulterers,Against perjurers,
Against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans,

And against those who turn away an alien—Because they do not fear Me,”
Says the Lord of hosts.
[Malachi 3:5]
God promises to deal with a variety of people including those who exploit their workers.
Some Christians give a lot to the church, while they pay their workers next to nothing. They may receive applause from church leadership (because Pastors are just human and don’t see it all), but God isn’t impressed.
Some employers delay wages and salaries unduly. If it’s because the organization is going through crises, that’s a different thing. Even then, the workers should be told what’s going on.
If the company is going through hard times, then all should sacrifice, including management. It’ll be unconscionable for workers’ salary to be outstanding, while CEO and his family go abroad on holidays. The workers may not be able to say anything, but God is watching. Those who cheat their workers but give enormously to church are offering sacrifices of fools.
Those of us who have house-helps, shop attendants etc. should also take note. Let charity begin at home. Let’s give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. No more false balances since they’re abomination to the Lord.
The Lord give us understanding. Amen