
Faith Without Works

 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 

16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 


[James 2:15-16]

Our churches today are blessed. Our churches today count offerings using money counting machines. Bullion vans wait and convey the moneys to be bank. The expression As poor as church mouseno longer holds, as church is now rich. God has certainly blessed His Children.

Now, I don’t have any issues with bullion vans conveying church money to the bank. I’m however worried if the money remains there and doesn’t benefit the people God always have in mind- the poor, the destitute, the helpless widow, the fatherless and vulnerable.

If our riches are only made manifest through our expensive clothing and cars which are displayed Sunday after Sunday, as if we’re in a competition with each other,  then we’ve failed God. We need to re-examine ourselves to see if we’re still in the Faith.

In ancient Israel, God made provisions for the poor. You don’t harvest all your crops. You don’t pick a harvest that falls from your hand. You don’t glean your fields etc. The leftovers are for the poor as of right.  In the early church, there was no poor person among them because they had strong welfare systems to cater for the needy. Where have we learnt this modern Christian lifestyle of I, Me and Myselffrom? We certainly have questions to answer on the Judgment Day as a Body of Christ if things don’t change.

While most of us don’t have control over church finances, let’s do the little we can to help brethren who are in need. God will certainly credit that to our heavenly account and we’ll harvest 100 times now and on the Day of Resurrection. Let’s also change the perspective of church leadership should we find ourselves among them.

His grace abounds upon our lives. Amen

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