
Change of Name [3]

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We’ve looked at the fact that in the Bible, people lived just like the names they were given.  Further examples include the following:

🌲Malachi: Malachi means Messenger. It also stands for an Angel. Angels are God’s messengers. They carry out God’s commands. Bible says Angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14). Malachi became the messenger of God to the people. The last Book of the Old Testament bears his name.

🌲 Zechariah: the name means The Lord remembers. One Zechariah, a messenger of God was killed in the Temple. Before he died, he asked God to remember the wicked act of the people. Jesus said God would require the blood of all the prophets and righteous people from Abel to Zechariah from the generation he was preaching to (Mathew 23:34-36).

🌲There was another Zechariah, the one we all know. He was the father of John the Baptist. True to his name, the Lord remembered him and gave him a son in his old age, when all hope was gone. John the Baptist wasn’t just a son; he was a Prophet. In fact, Jesus said John was more than just a Prophet. Jesus said John was the greatest of all people born of women. This is because John was the forerunner for the Messiah. (Mathew 11:7-12).

🌲 Simon Peter. He was originally just Simon. Simon means a reed.  A reed is unstable, shaken and tossed by the wind and the river currents. Jesus changed his name to Peter or Cephas, meaning a stone.  The instability gave way to stability. Praise God! No wonder, Peter became the head of the Global Business Jesus built and for over 2000 years, it is a going concern.

🌲 Jacob: His name means supplanter, a con man, a 419. We all remember what he did to Esau, his elder brother by stealing Esau’s birthright. He was just living by his name. When he met God, God changed his name to Israel a Prince (Genesis 32:27&28). That’s how we got the 12 Tribes of Israel. God revealed Himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.

The Lord change our names also. May we move out of obscurity into the limelight in the Name of Jesus. Amen

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