
A New Beginning

14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.

[Genesis 1:14]
5 Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”


[Revelations 21:5]

It’s God who has set into motion the days, seasons, and years. The arrival of a new season or year carries with it its own significance. God has agenda for all of them and we ought to be expectant.

We’re used to hearing ‘wild’ New Year wishes from people which are repeated year after year that we don’t take them seriously anymore. We however should take God seriously when He sets a new season into motion, so we receive from Him.

God has promised to make all things new in your life. Receive it and believe it because it shall come to pass.

I wish us all a happy and fulfilling new year. May we become all that God ever want us to be. May our lives never remain the same again in the Name of Jesus. Amen


18 “Do not remember the former things,

Nor consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?

I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

[Isaiah 43:18-19]

God always wants to do new things in our lives all the time.  Bible says His mercies are new every morning and His faithful is great.

In the same vein, God isn’t expecting you to have the same experiences of the past year. If you had unpleasant experiences, get ready for double restoration for your troubles. If you experienced some good things, get ready for better once. Don’t limit God by lowering your expectations. For those who are overwhelmed by God’s goodness in the past year, please know you haven’t seen anything yet. Your best days are yet to come.  Please don’t put a cap or ceiling or what God can do, and will do in your life.

God promises to do the impossible in your life.  Rivers don’t normally flow in the desert; yet that’s what God wants to do. The wilderness is a place where people get lost and attacked by snakes and other wild beasts. Others die of hunger and thirst. We’re all too familiar with the experiences of those who try getting to Europe through the Sahara Desert.  However, God will make a way for you in your wilderness.  He’ll lead and direct you if you’ll follow. He’ll send His Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire to lead you in ALL of your ways. You won’t get lost or need direction this year in the Name of Jesus.

Father, help us to agree with You for the new heights You want to take us to in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Song: God will make a way- Don Moen

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He works in ways we cannot see….

By the road of wilderness He leads me

Rivers in desert will i see

Heaven and earth will fail

But His word will still remain

And He will do something new today

God will make way

Where there seems to be no way….

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